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attack on a poor husky leads to the proposed Logan Law

Hopefully with people like this starting something so big it will spread throughout more of the US. We can only hope.


Article by DogTime Staff. Click the link for the full article.

Michigander Matt Falk will never forget his dog Logan, a Siberian Husky Falk remembers as a sweet boy and a great friend, a dog with his own unmistakable unique qualities.

“[Logan was] a talker and a lover,” Falk recalls fondly. “He just loved going out. We couldn’t have asked for a better Husky.”

But in early 2012, tragedy struck. A cruel act by an unknown person left Logan gravely injured.

“On the night of March 12 of 2012, my Siberian Husky Logan was attacked in his own back yard, in his own kennel,” Falk writes in a Facebook post.

That evening, Falk took Logan out to his kennel, where Logan loved to sleep at night. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But during the night, an unknown person approached the kennel where Logan lie sleeping and poured battery acid on the Husky’s muzzle.

What began as a small burn on Logan’s muzzle soon spread, severely burning most of the right side of Logan’s face and around his eye. As the weeks went by after his attack, Logan received constant medical care and seemed to take a turn for the better. His face was badly scarred, but it looked like he would recover. But sadly, in the summer of 2012, the 11-year-old Husky’s body just couldn’t take the stress anymore. His liver and kidneys began to fail.

Armed with happy memories of his late dog and the despair of not knowing the identity of the person or persons responsible for maiming Logan that March night, Falk has led a crusade to help lawmakers pass House Bill 4534 and House Bill 4535, a pair of bills dubbed “Logan’s Law.”

Co-sponsored by Michigan State Representatives Paul Muxlow (R-Brown City) and Harvey Santana (D-Detroit), the bipartisan legislation in “Logan’s Law” brings to the table two important keys in curbing animal abuse in The Wolverine State. HB 4534 aims to prohibit animal shelters from selling or adopting out animals to convicted animal abusers, but it is HB 4535 that is the most revolutionary; if passed, it will establish an animal abuser registry in the state of Michigan. The registry, which would be maintained by the Animal Control Division of the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office, would be searchable by both animal shelters and private citizens.

Rep. Santana hopes to arrange a hearing date for “Logan’s Law” in the next few months, and in the meantime will continue to push for its public approval. Matt Falk and his wife, Nancy, ask in a Facebook post that anyone who supports HB 4534 and HB 4535 should email the members of the judiciary committee today. The Falks provide a list of committee members and their email addresses on the “Pass Logan’s Law” Facebook page.


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