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Pet Masks are making for a "hot" topic

When you see a house on fire, what is the first thing you think of? Hope everyone got out, Right? Well do you think of the poor pets that may have been in there? When the firefighters show up their main concern is getting the humans out and when the humans are out and they know there are animals, they go back in for them too. By this time the animals usually have smoke inhalation, and need oxygen to survive. They get this from the oxygen masks that the firefighters use for the people. But do they actually fit? NO!!!

Here is the problem, there are so many fire stations out there that do not have pet masks. Pat masks come in three different sizes and can be utilized by just about any kid of pet including  cats, dogs, hamsters, iguanas and etc. There are companies out there that have created kits that have all three kinds within them and also full details on just how to use them. Check more out here.


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