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The Crofts and their deadly transport

The Crofts decided to aid in a transport since they have a business doing it. Sue Croft owns Furry Paws-n-Whickers Transport and her soon-to-be-ex husband owns TCTransport. Do they have a license to be a "for-hire" transport? NO Do they have the proper licensing or registration thru the USDA? NO They require payments to be in cash. Hmmm wonder why that is? Maybe they don't want IRS knowing about their so-called business. Hmm makes a person wonder.

Well they were hired to do a transport from South Carolina to Kentucky that started out with 12 cats and about 35 kittens, but it ended with only 6 cats and 19 kittens alive. Now if that has your attention the rest will too. Sue Croft set everything up but her (ex)husband actually handled the cats and kittens or shall I say the lack there of. Are both responsible? Should they be? Read here to see just what happened and so you can help spread the word about these companies to not ever let them transport again.

There is a part 2 at the bottom of Part 1, read that too as it shows you what legal action has started over this. More on this subject is coming as we receive it. Just awaiting what the USDA is doing and the Dept. of Agriculture in KY.


tail wags and purrs.

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