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Blog posts : "animals"

The Crofts and their deadly transport

The Crofts decided to aid in a transport since they have a business doing it. Sue Croft owns Furry Paws-n-Whickers Transport and her soon-to-be-ex husband owns TCTransport. Do they have a license to be a "for-hire" transport? NO Do they have the proper licensing or registration thru the USDA? NO The…

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Transporting animals is not just that

Did you realize that transporting animal across state lines is more involved that just taking the animal and driving it to it's destination? OK well it is just that unless you are getting paid for the effort because it is your business. Most people do not realize this. You must have a business licen…

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Starting again - Welcome back everyone

Hello everyone, so sorry I have not been blogging but everything has undergone changes and I have spent a lot of time upgrading the blog, deleting items, modifying it and now I'm just starting it all over. All older posts are gone and a new format going forward. Hope everyone will like it. The blogg…

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3 blog posts